How to Coda with VAT — Part IV
Giving a reduction over the total (VAT incl or excl).
Once you understand how you can give a reduction per product as shown in previous blogs, the next question is ‘how to set up a reduction logic that takes into account all the products with their respective VAT parts?’. After reading this blog you can create what you see below:
Let’s dive into this complexity, using a simple image.
The reduction can be articulated as a percentage or as a fixed amount. In the above we turn the percentage into a fixed amount and next we ask if this reduction applies to the base price — OR — to the end user price, thus with VAT. We use a button to indicate our choice. The button (un) checks a column. We name this column with check boxes simply ‘VAT’
The main question is :
How do you know how much VAT there is per product after the reduction?
It is like asking how much sugar is there in the slice you cut for your grandmother. She might not be interested, but we are in understanding the VAT part in the reduction. Below what will be the end result of our endevour.
Step 01
The button un checks or checks the column check boxes via a simple formula
Step 02 : understanding the VAT distribution
We filter on the VAT percentage to get the weight of each VAT tarif in the total:
Step 03: the part of each product per VAT group
This step is about how much every product contributes to the total amount in each respective VAT group.
Step 04 : the reduced base price
we reference the VAT column to see which price we need to bring in and we distribute the reduction over the prices based on the previous rules.
Step 05: we define the template
This is the most difficult part, even after you figured out the previous 4 steps. You create a virtual index and you set the unique VAT tarifs apart. It is a matter of playing around and you will enjoy the outcome!
By now you can create what I promised in the first part of the blog and meanwhile you have two options. A reduction on the total VAT Incl & VAT Excl.
So far we covered the VAT basics. You might want to enjoy more flexibility. Therefor in part 5 we use buttons to apply different promotions for different products.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have questions feel free to reach out. Though this article is for free, my work (including advice) won’t be, but there is always room for a chat to see what can be done. Besides you find my (for free) contributions to the Coda Community and on Twitter
My name is Christiaan Huizer and I am the owner of Huizer Automation. A company specialized in serving SME in harvesting data and keeping it aligned. I am a Coda Consultant & Expert and rely mainly on Coda, Mailjet, Zapier & Paperform to get the job done.